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Inaugural Morning Mindfulness

Our inaugural Morning Mindfulness session was Saturday, November 5, 2022. Heather Sullivan of Mindful Green ( led our event in nearly perfect, sunny weather. Heather spent time helping us learn to walk mindfully and think about each movement in the moment. We spent 20 minutes doing a mindful “meditation,” which included learning to walk mindfully, 20 minutes walking the nature preserve practicing being in the moment, and 20 minutes talking over the experience and what each of the participants learned during his/her meditation and walking time.

Besides practicing Mindfulness, we spotted an Orange-crowned Warbler, several Ruby-crowned Kinglets, several Golden-crowned Kinglets, and a sleeping Great Horned Owl before leaving the preserve.

Suggested Reading on Mindfulness

Wherever You Go, There You Are: Mindfulness Meditation in Everyday Life by Jon Kabat-Zinn.

Ten years ago no one could have predicted that the book would launch itself onto bestseller lists nationwide.This is a one-size-fits-all mindfulness handbook that will teach you the concepts, get you started with exercises, and sit on your bedside table as a welcome reference. The chapters are short and self-contained, so you can dip in wherever you want.

This book has short, self-contained chapters, offers entertaining personal stories from the author and features personally led mindfulness exercises.

The Miracle of Mindfulness by Thich Nhat Hanh.

This book is best for beginners. Thich Nhat Hanh is a Buddhist monk who played a key role in introducing mindfulness to the Western world.

The chapters in this book examine mindfulness from various angles, with various approaches, and have a loose organization.

The book is easy to read and understand, features beautiful drawings and offers engaging exercises and storytelling.

How to Train a Wild Elephant: And Other Adventures in Mindfulness by Jan Chozen Bays.

This book is full of Mindfulness exercises. Research has shown that mindfulness can reduce stress, improve physical health, and improve one’s overall quality of life. This book contains a series of simple practices to help us cultivate mindfulness as we go about our ordinary, daily lives.

Read one of the 53 mindfulness exercises and enjoy a quiet, calming moment with yourself.

This book presents exercises that involve daily activities, written in a personal style and has an author experienced in teaching.

My Magic Breath: Finding Calm Through Mindful Breathing by Nick Ortner.

In a world that is sometimes too busy, with too many things going on, My Magic Breath will help steer children into a serene space of mindfulness, self-awareness, and balance.

This book is a good reminder for kids that the simple act of taking a deep breath can help you enjoy your “happy times,” or feel calm when you’re not so happy.

This 32 page book for 3-6 years old is full of vibrant drawings.